Saturday, September 29, 2007, posted by Ez at 2:46 PM
cheap maternity clothes, maternity clothes, maternity wear

In the 21st century, becoming a mom is more fun than apprehension, and from everything from diet to exercising and clothing, everything is enjoyable by the moms of today. The nutritive food has even become more tasty and easy to prepare at home; exercise helps the would-be-mother to be more relaxed and in charge of her body through the changes that maternity brings on; and medical attention has ironed out most of the discomforts that pregnancy begets and designers have competed against each other to make clothing trendier and at the same comfortable for the mother-to-be.

When in Tight Spots, Learn to Laugh at Yourself

This applies to both pregnancy and motherhood, as these periods are often times so harrying and trying that it tests the patience of even the best. However, the world is now incredibly more understanding and helpful, especially when compared to that of decades ago.

Husbands are more careful, doctors are more sympathetic, and fashion is more tolerant. You find a lot of fun maternity clothing in stores today - you have T-shirts with tongue-in cheek sayings, you have P-caps and buttons that are peppered with humor, and all in all, these are things that will keep you smiling all the way through the nine months that you are waiting for the special newcomer in your life.

The discomfort is lessened as well during this time, not only due to highly advanced medication that takes care of the nausea, back ache, blood pressure, edema and other pregnancy-related problems, but also owing in part to the fun maternity clothing that is so much in fashion nowadays.

Gone are the serious and stern looking dresses that marked pregnant women in the past. Today, you can get your choice of fun maternity clothing, including trendy, modern and even sexy outfits that make you happy with your looks even while you are pregnant, which is a time that many women feel incredibly uncomfortable in their own bodies.

However it should also be noted that women these days are dramatically less worried about how they look when compared to that of the past, and rather, they revel in their new role. Both younger and older women find fun maternity clothing extremely appealing.

There is high demand especially for T-shirts with funny sayings because these make it easy for them to laugh at their predicament. The heartburn, the heaviness, the lethargy, the funny feelings in the body, all becomes a little easier to bear when wearing fun maternity clothing.

The fun maternity clothing has come into so much demand, that designers have released special editions consecrated to maternity only. Once upon a time, pregnancy meant total retirement from feeling feminine and beautiful for nine months. Today, the scene is totally the opposite - and the change is wonderful!
Maternity clothes have come a long way by pushing pregnancy to the forefront, making childbearing something to be revered and admired, even in regards to fashion. There is no more sense of shock or shame associated with a growing stomach so why not have some dressing fun?

Eddie Lamb provides an abundance of information on a range of topical subjects. We believe better understanding your area of interest helps your decision making process immensely. You'll find a host of useful articles about maternity clothes on our site at Maternity Clothes Help.
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Friday, September 28, 2007, posted by Ez at 1:44 PM
cheap maternity clothes, maternity clothes, maternity wear

Let's face it: maternity clothing is ugly and expensive. Since most women don't need to wear maternity clothes until the second trimester, at most you'll only be getting six months of use out of those ugly $200 overalls to cover your ever expanding stomach. I couldn't bring myself to spend thousands of dollars on a new wardrobe when I already felt so ugly, so I resorted to making my own for as long as possible. For example, I really didn't want to buy old lady underwear that would cover me from my belly button to the tops of my thighs. They were hot and uncomfortable anyway, but there aren't many sexy maternity panties around.

Instead of going commando, I decided to wear my husband's briefs. Surprisingly, they were comfortable and even looked kind of cute on me. Recently, I was watching Oprah and saw that I wasn't the only woman who's done that during the latter months of a pregnancy. Still, even with the underwear problems solved I was in desperate need of maternity clothes. You can only wear your old college sweatshirts and pants for so long before you break down and buy a real pair of maternity pants.

Out of all of the maternity clothes that I bought during my pregnancy, the jeans were by far the most expensive. We all know how hard it can be to find a decent pair of jeans as it is, try finding a pair of jeans when you're pregnant! First of all, the options are way more limited. Most stores don't even carry maternity clothes, and I absolutely refused to buy jeans at Wal Mart. Low prices come at a high cost, let me tell you. I eventually found a pair, but they cost more than I'm willing to admit. I will say, however, that I had to hide the receipt from my husband.

About the Author: If you're an expecting mother, visit the Pregnancy Forum at today. Registration is FREE, and you'll have the chance to read tons of great pregnancy information!

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, posted by Ez at 1:30 PM
cheap maternity clothes, maternity clothes, maternity wear

Finding appropriate maternity wear does not have to be a chore. It can actually be just as fun as shopping for any other types of clothing. But there are a few things that you should do to make the process of shopping for maternity wear a whole lot more enjoyable and save yourself some money.

Before you even begin shopping, set aside sixty minutes to help you find maternity wear for less. The time that you spend on this will save you aggravation and money in the long run. So take your time. Just be honest with yourself. And above all, be realistic.

Determine exactly what you need. You will learn that when shopping for maternity wear what you need and want will be different, just like your needs and wants will be different when shopping for your regular clothes. Keep in mind that the impulsive want purchase of maternity apparel is much more costly than the impulsive buy of regular clothes because you will only wear maternity clothes for a short period of time.

Take an inventory of your wardrobe to see what clothes you already have. Is there anything that you can use until mid-pregnancy? Regular pants or even your stretch pants with elastic waists can often be worn well into your pregnancy.

Look through your closet to see if any of the clothes you've inventoried can be worn through your entire pregnancy. Things like oversized t-shirts work well throughout your whole pregnancy, even if you just wear them while lounging around at home. Raid your spouse's closet for bigger shirts and pants. Ask friends and relatives if you can borrow any of their maternity wear.

Once you have completed steps one through five, you will have a small selection of maternity wear you can put on throughout your pregnancy. Now you need to reevaluate what you still need. Based on what you still want, determine how much money you have to spend. Be realistic and practical. And remember that maternity clothes usually cost more than regular clothes.

Save some money on the maternity wear you still need by visiting garage sales, flea markets, consignment stores, and even online classified ads for gently used maternity clothing. Again, reevaluate what you still really need. You will probably still have a few requirements for your closet. Do not waste money on items such as maternity underwear since you can usually get away with a larger size of your regular style.

Take the time to comparison shop. Comparison shopping is the only way that you will get the best deals on your maternity clothes. Check local stores, catalogues, and the internet.

About the Author: Christine P Gray is a recognized authority on the subject of pregnancy. Her website Pregnancy Exposed provides a wealth of informative articles and resources on everything you will need to know about maternity wear. All rights reserved. Articles may be reprinted as

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Monday, September 24, 2007, posted by Ez at 3:51 PM
cheap maternity clothes, maternity clothes, maternity wear

Maternity fashion is not what it used to be. Today’s mothers-to-be have many garments to choose from when it comes to clothing that new bump. However, as you navigate the world of baby gear—all that is needed—and become aware of all the money that will be needed, your fashion sense may have to take a back seat to crib and car seat necessity. Never fear, there are plenty of ways to dress your newly pregnant form both stylishly and economically. The following article discusses alternative places to shop for maternity clothing and advises what items you’ll actually need.

More likely than not, the first thing you will need are a few good maternity bras. Even if your breasts do not swell early on in the pregnancy, chances are, they will still feel sore and the extra support will give you more comfort. Traditional department stores sell them, but they are often expensive. If you are looking for something more economical, try a discount store like Target.

Depending on the style, you may also need to purchase maternity underwear for the pregnancy. Some women get away with regular underwear that sits below the enlarged belly, but for women who experience that widening of the hips, maternity underwear may be the only comfortable way to go. Generally, this underwear fits above the belly for more support but there are many new styles available today.

As far as the rest of your pregnancy wardrobe—focus on comfort. Loose-fitting garments may be preferable, but you probably want to choose some supportive clothing as well—pants with wide elastic bands that fit over or slightly under your belly. Depending on whether you work or stay at home will also impact your clothing styles. There are lots of pretty colors and flowery blouses, but if you base the core of your maternity wardrobe on neutral colors like white, black and beige you will be able to interchange them.

When it comes to wear to shop, there are more possibilities than ever depending on where you live. City dwellers always seem to have more shopping choices, but with online stores, you can have access to the same wares no matter how remote your locale.

Scouring the clearance racks at maternity wear chains and even independent stores often leads to good buys. While maternity-wear for the career mom is usually high-priced, casual wear can be relatively inexpensive and provide a nice comfortable feel and look for the mom to be.

If you don’t mind used, shopping at consignment stores and thrift stores will lead to some of the best clothing bargains for the pregnant woman. Many times the clothes only show slight wear—especially those needed for the end of the pregnancy which really don’t get the opportunity to be worn out. On this note, you may ask your friends with children if they’ve hung on to any maternity clothes and whether you could borrow some.

Department stores are usually high priced and offer poor selections when it comes to maternity wear. Bargain stores like Target and Wal-Mart also offer rather a poor selection—that is, not much to choose from, but at least their prices are reasonable.

If morning sickness doesn’t have you down, making a trip to an outlet mall may be a great way to shop for bargain-rate maternity wear. For the trip, perhaps raiding your husband’s closet—a time honored tradition—might get you something large and comfy to wear.

Your best bet is to buy only what you need. If you plant to nurse, its best to wait until the eighth month when your breasts will be roughly the same size after the baby’s birth. It’s a good idea to get fitted by a helpful salesperson when buying the maternity bra; the right fit is essential.

About the Author: Alien writes for Pregnancy information . He also writes for eye stye

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Saturday, September 22, 2007, posted by Ez at 11:50 PM
cheap maternity clothes, maternity clothes, maternity wear,

Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About Maternity Wear And Pregnancy Fashion...

Have you ever wondered what makes women tick? Well among other things it is good, no wait... great fashion sense!

If you are pregnant or soon will be, it can sometimes seem like a daunting task trying to remain fashionable and pregnant all at the same time.

Many women at least initially lament the loss of their pre-pregnant figures. The good news however, is that there are literally hundreds of online maternity fashion shops that offer quality, great looking and fun maternity wear at reasonable prices!

Just because you are pregnant doesn’t mean you have to suffer from a fashion perspective. In fact, finding the right fashion wear might be just what you need to jump-start your pregnancy and make you feel great about yourself.

When To Start Wearing Maternity Fashions

Many new moms wonder when they should start wearing maternity clothes. You definitely won't be needing them your first trimester, where you alone are probably the only person that can tell that you are pregnant.

Most women start wearing maternity items at about the fourth or fifth month. Now, this varies from woman to woman. Second time moms often start showing earlier than their first time counterparts, and women with multiples start showing even sooner.

They type of maternity clothes that you need during pregnancy generally change too. Some women are able to make due with a baggy pair of jeans for some time during their early pregnancy. Many find themselves moving into maternity wear before their bellies are quite big enough to fill out the maternity wear.

Here are some maternity wearing tips that will help you during your pregnancy:

* Grab a rubber band. For the first few months you can secure your jeans using a rubber band hooked through the eye of your jeans and wrapped around the button. This will give you an extra inch or two of space in the months that you are too small for maternity clothes.
* Invest in a couple of comfy skirts. Long skirts with expandable waists work great in the early months of pregnancy.
* Purchase just a few maternity items that you can mix and match. Consider for example a pair of jeans and a pair of slacks, and maybe a few different shirts and accessories that can go with both. If you work in an office environment that is very formal, consider one or two suits that can easily be accessorized or mixed with several different shirts.
* Invest in an item or two one size too big. Often you just need a pair of jeans one size larger than normal to get you through the first few months of pregnancy.

Maternity clothes can be expensive, and remember you will only be wearing them for nine months. The good news is many online shops offered discounts on their maternity wear. You might also consider purchasing your maternity wear at a well known second hand shop. If you are a first time mom, you'll undoubtedly find that many moms try to pawn off their old maternity items on you. This makes it even easier to shop!

What to Buy?

Are you wondering what your maternity wardrobe should contain? Though women have varying preferences and styles, there are a few items that every woman should have in her maternity wear closet. Among these include:

* Jeans
* Pair of black or khaki slacks
* One skirt or dress
* Variety of Maternity T's and Tops
* Maternity Bra

You may or may not have to buy maternity underwear. While some women find the support in these comforting, others find that traditional bikini underwear purchased a size or two larger than normal work just as well, and are less expensive and come in more colors and styles.

You will find that your breasts are growing throughout your pregnancy. A good maternity bra is recommended. You should buy a bra that allows a little room for expansion however, as your breasts will likely inflate even more when they fill with milk close to delivery.

Remember that as a pregnant woman you deserve to look and feel your best. Don't hesitate for a moment to pamper yourself and purchase a few items that will not only help you look great, but will help you feel great during your pregnancy.

After Pregnancy Fashion

After pregnancy most women expect to fit back into their normal pre-pregnancy clothing in no time at all. The reality however is that most women will still look five months pregnant right after birth.

It takes a good nine months to put on the weight you'll gain during pregnancy, and it will take some time to get it off. Consider getting yourself one or two nice post pregnancy outfits to wear until you are able to fit back into your normal clothing. This will help you feel better about yourself and encourage you even more to lose the weight you gained during pregnancy!

About the Author: Alien writes for Pregnancy information . He also writes for herbal medicines

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Thursday, September 20, 2007, posted by Ez at 8:32 AM
cheap maternity clothes, maternity clothes, maternity wear

For most women, the most stylish maternity clothes solution is to wear stretch classic jeans and a man’s white oxford shirt. However, the day comes when they face the inevitable: the visit to a maternity clothes store, either for a special occasion outfit, or to browse the plus size maternity clothes section in search for the most flattering solution to their style dilemmas. So what exactly should an expecting mom look for in maternity clothes, either regular or plus-size ones?

For the first few months most women can get along with the wardrobe they already have. Slightly bigger breasts and increased waistline will make them sexier, not bigger. But when regular clothes do not work anymore, most women prefer to forget about fashion trends and cocoon themselves into shapeless dresses or high-waist slacks paired with voluptuous sweaters.

First of all, don’t try to hide your condition. It’s chic to be pregnant today, and young Hollywood stars happily get pregnant whenever they want – and remain fashionable and glowing till the delivery. Today it’s much more flattering to show off your belly than to hide it under layers of clothes. The most current maternity outfits are sleek numbers that let your curvy silhouette show.

Happy Hippie. You will be perfectly stylish in free-flowing ethnic skirts, kaftans and yoke dresses that accommodate a growing belly. Airy tunics and patterned blousons look equally great with oversize cardigans, perhaps with a wide belt under the belly, or on their own, with a tiny capelet for warmth. This trend also embraces the wide empire-waisted and baby-doll dresses that can be worn over the maternity pants and jeans. Best designers working in this style: Alberta Ferretti, Anna Sui.

Bold Accessories. Keep the visual details on top. A scarf, a capelet, a bolero jacket in contrasting colors, virtually anything that accentuates the shoulders and bust line are very flattering. Layering with ponchos and shawls will complete the look, if you go for a loose bohemian style. Halter-type necklines are also very flattering, because in most women their neck and arms look the same even if the rest of the body grows at enormous speed.

Skip Underwires. When your bust is growing, a thick shelf bra is healthier than a bra with metallic wiring underneath. The sports bra will also do the trick. It will allow more room and support while you grow.

Wear Jeans. Today denim designers offer maternity versions of their most popular models. Citizen of Humanity, Seven For Mankind and Earl Jeans have maternity lines, as well as Juicy, in a variety of denim washes. Wear your maternity jeans low-slung, embroidered and slimming with contrasting washes.

Multifunctional Suits. With modern maternity suits you can easily switch from day to night, as they do double duty. You can dress them down with a t-shirt for a day or add a silk blouse or tunic for the night. The most charming maternity suits are made of wool and cotton, with blouses made of charmeuse and chiffon. Menswear plaids and pinstripes also look charming on pregnant women. Choose the size wisely: if you can stick two fingers between the waistline and the fabric of your new skirt or pants, it’s too big and will stay so, even when you grow.

Don’t Bare Too Much Skin. Revealing the growing belly may do the trick for Britney Spears, but not many women can do that with flare. Pregnancy is the beautiful period of life, but wearing too skimpy clothes will just look tacky.

By Kathryn Whittaker writes articles on a number of different topics. For more information on Maternity Clothes please visit and for additional Maternity Clothes articles please visit the following article page

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, posted by Ez at 8:25 AM
cheap maternity clothes, maternity clothes, maternity wear

You are expecting a baby and you may be feeling a bit uncomfortable and none too sexy, it need not be that way. Put down the oversized shirt and step away from the frumpy dress. Maternity clothes have actually become quite fashionable in recent decades. They do not have to be dumpy and frumpy and they do not have to scream, “Pregnant lady coming!”

There are now a plethora of styles and colors that the expectant mother can choose from. Maternity clothing now comes in a surprisingly large number of designs and colors. There are now so many choices available in maternity clothing that you are virtually assured of finding something to your liking.

No need to learn circus tents as maternity clothes anymore. Women of all shapes and sizes are demanding more from maternity clothes and the designers are hearing them loud and clear. If you are shopping for maternity clothes now be prepared to be there for awhile because there are a lot of choices to be made.

The good news is that you are no longer limited in what you can buy and you are not limited in what you can wear. Younger moms-to-be are wearing outfits that show off their baby-bellies. There are now maternity clothes manufactured to show off the expectant moms bare midriff.

Most of us are not quite so brave and prefer our maternity clothes to cover our tummies. There are still plenty of choices to the had. Shirts do not have to wear like tarps. They can be formfitting while somehow being flattering to the rather robust figure.

Different women have different shapes, of course. Some of us carry our weight on the bottom and some of us are top heavy. It wasn't too long ago that maternity clothes didn't even bother taking that into account. It was basically a one-size-fits-all kind of thing. The focus was on the belly and this actually made the garments accentuate the feature. Today’s maternity clothes are designed are specifically designed to flatter the different shapes and figures that are unique to would-be moms.

It would seem that bright colors are in now and maternity clothes will reflect that as well. For many years maternity clothes were for some inexplicable reason, drab and colorless. Say goodbye to black, white and beige and say hello to purple, pink and lime green. Color brings life to the once dreaded maternity clothes and in its cheer, at least I think so. There are so many different styles and colors that he really I can have quite a bit of fun making your choices.

By Morgan Hamilton offers his findings and insights regarding the world of fashion. You can get interesting and informative information here at

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Tuesday, September 11, 2007, posted by Ez at 2:23 AM
maternity clothes, maternity clothes, maternity wear

Cheap maternity clothes are available in plenty and the variety of clothes that are available can be amazing especially if you are shopping online. Most expectant mothers do not like to buy too many clothes during their pregnancy as they do not expect to wear their pregnancy clothes post-delivery.

While some expectant mothers have the knack of looking good in their partner's shirts, it is more practical to buy clothes that are designed to make a pregnant woman feel comfortable and relaxed. A search on the Internet can help you locate some great online stores that sell discount maternity clothes. It is especially convenient for those expectant mothers who are not keeping fit enough to go out shopping and hence feel they are missing out on the fun of shopping for their maternity clothes.

Selecting Cheap Maternity Clothes

Pregnancy and child birth require sound financial planning too as it can be an expensive affair to give birth to a baby. If you had planned your pregnancy you may be prepared for it financially, but in the event when you were surprised, the resulting expenses may be a surprise too! Pregnant women feel the need for better fitting clothes during the second trimester when their bellies start to expand. It can be a great idea to start shopping for some trendy maternity cloths during the second trimester.

While opting for cheap maternity clothes you have the choice of visiting the various local consignment stores or just relax at home and shop online. Many are amazed at the variety of stylish maternity clothes that are available at amazingly low prices. It may be easy to get carried away and buy a whole lot of cheap maternity clothes but it is always better to opt for buying a few clothes each month as you are growing bigger with every month.

It can be fun to shop online but in this case you have to ensure that you get the right fit and that the stores accept returns in case you pick a wrong size.

Cheap maternity clothes are available in all sizes and you may get great deals on tops, jeans, lingerie, beach wear, sun dresses, office wear and lots more. Just be sure that the cheap maternity clothes that you pick are easy to maintain and are of a soft and comfortable material.

Many online stores offer maternity clothes at great rates during sales so you can make a new wardrobe of cheap maternity clothes that are of great quality. Most stores offer discounts of 50% to 60% and you may purchase clothes valued at $30 for even under $5! Some stores claim that their maternity clothes can be worn post-delivery too.

It is the time for you to relax and enjoy the experience of motherhood. With the help of Internet, it is possible to get amazing clothes dirt cheap! So stop worrying about your growing need for clothes as there are quality cheap maternity clothes available!

Gone are the days when the would be moms were seen in the loose outdated cloths. With the cheap maternity clothes you can look as graceful and stylish as ever, even during your pregnancy time. Today you can select from the vast variety of affordable maternity clothes and enjoy the parties with the trendy maternity cloths, funky maternity cloths and the special occasion maternity clothes for the special party.

By Asheesh Mani
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Friday, September 7, 2007, posted by Ez at 9:11 PM
cheap maternity clothes, maternity clothes, maternity wear

It is important for pregnant women to have a variety of comfortable maternity clothing. This is especially true once they reach the last few months. Many women think that they shouldn’t put money into clothing that they will only wear for a few months, but to be comfortable and feel better you do need the right clothes. This is why finding cheap pregnancy clothes for sale is a wonderful way to have what you need without spending too much. Once you start looking around you will find that there are a lot of places available that can provide you with what you need while you are pregnant.

When you are searching for cheap pregnancy clothes you can visit thrift stores and Goodwill Stores for some really wonderful deals. Most maternity clothes are only worn for a short period of time. Unless the new mother plans on having another child right away most of the time they are ready to pass their maternity clothes on to other new expecting mothers. Most of these clothes are donated to these stores for resale at really low prices. You can find many clothes that are practically brand new making it a wonderful way to buy all your maternity clothes. There are other discount stores available where you can find maternity clothing for cheap prices as well.

Online is another wonderful place to find cheap pregnancy clothes. There are many stores available through the internet that has huge inventories of all types of clothes. From dresses to jeans and blouses you can find all types beautifully designed cheap pregnancy clothes that will help to make this special time a more comfortable one. These stores can afford to sell their merchandise at lower prices than your local retail store because they have less overhead to pay for. They also have more space for a larger selection due to the fact that many of them deal factory direct. Another wonderful place to find maternity clothing online at low affordable prices is eBay.

Many women make the mistake of thinking that maternity clothing is not that important, but it really is. This is a difficult time in a woman’s life and you don’t want to add to the stress by not having anything decent or comfortable to wear. You need clothing that is designed to accommodate for your new shape and make it comfortable to move around or even to sit. You certainly don’t need clothing that is cutting off your circulation or that feels like it is binding and pulling. Having clothing that fit is good for your self-esteem during this difficult time as well. Being pregnant doesn’t mean that you can’t still look wonderful.

By: James Kronefield

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Dont Get Discouraged About What To Wear! Find Cheap Maternity Clothing At

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